Tuesday, September 02, 2003
Welcome to the extra Extended Computing 3 class comp082 at the Petroleum Institute.
Your teacher is Vance Stevens: http://www.vancestevens.com
When you visit my homepage, you will find a set of links after PI 2003/4 Course Portals:
Click on Computing 082 and you will find a link to this blog. Here you can also find your assignments and other important information for this class.
On Saturday September 6 and Monday September 8, 2003
You will create your own blog like this one. It's easy! Here's how:
Find the instructions here: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/blogger_tutorial.htm
- Create your blog using the above instructions.
- As your first posting, enter your self-introduction.
- Either use the one you wrote on Wednesday or write one from scratch.
- Before leaving class, give the teacher the URL of your blog.
Tiny URL at http://www.tinyurl.com can make URLs for you that are easy to remember.
Here's the Tiny URL for the instructions to Blogger: http://tinyurl.com/md9i
You will also be given a CALENDAR to replicate in MS Word.
HOMEWORK: Your teacher will expect you to 'hand in' the URL for your blog and your completed MS Word project by Saturday, Sept 13. The blog will be on the Internet. Your projects should be stored on the PI LAN in your Work Finished folders or in the Shared area of Vance's computer.
I am creating a set of online exercises to help you review what you learned in Computing 2. I have no specific assignment to make for you at the moment, but you are welcome to explore these exercises.
The exercises are here: http://tinyurl.com/md6h
The complete url is: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/pi/computing2/pi_comp032ex.htm
I hope that you will enjoy this class, and I look forward to getting to know you over the course of the semester.
Your teacher is Vance Stevens: http://www.vancestevens.com
When you visit my homepage, you will find a set of links after PI 2003/4 Course Portals:
Click on Computing 082 and you will find a link to this blog. Here you can also find your assignments and other important information for this class.
On Saturday September 6 and Monday September 8, 2003
You will create your own blog like this one. It's easy! Here's how:
Find the instructions here: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/blogger_tutorial.htm
- Create your blog using the above instructions.
- As your first posting, enter your self-introduction.
- Either use the one you wrote on Wednesday or write one from scratch.
- Before leaving class, give the teacher the URL of your blog.
Tiny URL at http://www.tinyurl.com can make URLs for you that are easy to remember.
Here's the Tiny URL for the instructions to Blogger: http://tinyurl.com/md9i
You will also be given a CALENDAR to replicate in MS Word.
HOMEWORK: Your teacher will expect you to 'hand in' the URL for your blog and your completed MS Word project by Saturday, Sept 13. The blog will be on the Internet. Your projects should be stored on the PI LAN in your Work Finished folders or in the Shared area of Vance's computer.
I am creating a set of online exercises to help you review what you learned in Computing 2. I have no specific assignment to make for you at the moment, but you are welcome to explore these exercises.
The exercises are here: http://tinyurl.com/md6h
The complete url is: http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/pi/computing2/pi_comp032ex.htm
I hope that you will enjoy this class, and I look forward to getting to know you over the course of the semester.